Statement of Faith

Games by Christians

We are making CHRIST-honoring games. Games that might play, may look and could feel like what you are familiar with, but done so to honor CHRIST. Imagine your favorite game with all the glorified evil removed and glory given to the ONE who deserves it.

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of GOD.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Games for Christians

We are making games for other CHRIST-honoring individuals. Not exclusively, of course. After all GOD does not limit salvation to just a select few, HE offers it freely to all.

Then HE said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow ME.
Luke 9:23

CHAOS PRISM welcomes you and encourages you to enjoy our games no matter where you come from, what your religion is, or view on life. CHRIST extends HIS arms out to everyone, you just need to grab them.

CHRIST is Risen

May the LORD forever be the foundation of CHAOS PRISM.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with MY eye.
Psalm 32:8

The namesake of CHAOS PRISM is defined by its two components: CHAOS and PRISM. We would like to present both of these qualities as glories to the LORD.

If none of this answers your questions, if you are in need of prayers or just want to chat about theology, hit us up:

GOD, Controller of CHAOS

for HE makes HIS sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:45b

CHAOS is not evil, just random. Some of GOD’s decisions, when observed through the lens of a highly-limited perspective, appear quite random. Such as the standard of having only 3 color cones in the eye. Yet, with these 3 cones an INFINITE cascade of colors emerge. Perhaps 3 is all that’s needed, perhaps it’s a reflection of the TRINITY or, perhaps, it truly is random. Whatever the case, it’s just plain cool.

GOD, Preserver of PRISM

The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our GOD stands forever.”
Isaiah 40:8

PRISM is not boring, just orderly. Ironically, GOD does not limit humanity as much it limits itself. HE still has commandments, some may call them limitations, but each one bears a reason and a purpose. Such as the commandment to avoid envy. Some may claim envy as a harmless entitlement, but it quickly leads to self loathing. The world’s a much nicer place when you realize you already have it good.